scientific blunder if eating fish is proven to enhance our brains how come that scientists belive that fish only have a memory of around 2 seconds and have very little brain power. (try telling this to a great white).
but drinking red wine is good for your heart....even though it has no heart i dont think its the eating of fishes brains that helps your own
Re: scientific blunder WHAT THE FUCK? Thats a good point tho. Its like sayin carrots make you see better. On one side of the argument you dont see rabbits with glasses. But then again i dont reckon id see very well with a carrot in ma eye!
Technically carrots do make you see better in the dark. See you have these little things in the rear of you eye and there called rods and cones. Now see the cones detect colour which is fair enough. But the rods detect light but once they have detected light the need to recharge. OK now when they recharge they use vitamin c so naturally the more vitamin c you have the faster they recharge and inturn the better you can see. And everyone knows carrots are a good source af vitamin c therefore carrots do help you see better. Simple really.
i am no marine biologist so dont know if its just goldfish wouldnt think so though. and there have been a few friday nites when i have seen similar things to rabbits with glasses
They taste nice, turn eric into bananaman, make great sexual toys which is all well and good but you can never fucking open them.
provide u with potassium... apparently good to eat after heavy drinkin session to help prevent hangovers!!
did we not have this convo yesterday in gotham, something bout having a banana day, should we invite damocles?