Scuba Diving Has anyone been scuba diving before? Im doing it for my birthday this year and wondering how hard it is? I cant wait tho!!
I've not done it but my mum had the lessons in the pool but when she went in the sea she couldn't do the breathing properly and got to scared and decided not to do it.
Hoping Im not going to be like that! I really wana do it and where it is looks amazing! Ill die if a shark appears tho :cry2: Ive been told its hard work, dunno if I like the sound of that
Done it loads off times when i was a young lad. Its easy, Just take your time when in the water so as not to increase your breathing too much and you will be ok. My brother was a diver on the north sea oil rigs and he taught me.
Its class I was a little freaked out at first but once I calmed down I loved it I hate fish but once I done that I totally love them now their beautiful well some of them its defo an experience!