Sean mailbox is full I swear down to you now, i never made your profile, but thats not the question, the question is who made ours ehh seany? who made ours?
Sean there is no global conspiracy, no secret agents, no rebel myspace creaters or anything like that. Haven't you considered that you might actually just be gay?
Why the fuck would I do it? I would admit it if it was me. Dont flatter yourselves I dont think about you's THAT much
I cant tell you, its a highly reliable source. To be honest i cant give a fuck if you believe me or not Rossy, I have done nothing wrong but if i had i would be laughing.
1. you amazingly somehow just found out about the fake myspace account when the only person I added was the account you obviously made 2. How would you suddenly know that someone had made the other account and added eyeball (he obviously wouldn't have exactly notified you) 3. the pictures have mysteriously dissapeared 4. You are the only bellend on here that would do such a shit job of it 5. Just admit it you insincere wanker 6. I win I hope the rest of your council estate are homophobic and use myspace as half of ryton comprehensive are pending invites.
Listen to me you soppy little fuck it doesnt matter who told me, i have no idea what the fuck you are going on about. Do you honestly think i give a fuck about what or who you have added? get a grip you fuckwitt. send me a link to this shit fucking account i have apparently created. your a tosser, I think its fucking hillarious how you even consider me to give a fuck about you. the person who did this will be having a right giggle at my expense and it pisses me off. your a arsehole and i hope you die. slowly. thank you
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA PLEASE TELL ME THAT IS HIM IN THAT PICTURE PLEASE!!!!!!! @ who ever done this you are fucking
I got added to both 'Pete's' and 'CJ's' accounts, both of which I deleted. Both were fucking terrible.
I dont even see the fucking point. I DID NOT MAKE THE "FAKE" ACCOUNTS. If i did i would tell you, SOMEONE TOLD ME ABOUT IT AFTER I ASKED THEM IF THEY KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT THE MESSAGE I GOT OFF YOU ROSSY. To be fair I couldnt give a fuck about the account you have made of me, everyone who i would even care about seeing it know me well enough to see its a wind up. Its the fact that some sly fuck has made accounts of you or whoever and not had the balls to own up to it. Its your "mates" not me. Please post the links to yours or whoevers page. Oh and btw, how the fuck could i make a "profile" when i have no idea what you look like? i have no idea what you are "in to"? Your an immature, bitter wanker rossy, you need to seriously get a fucking life after you get your facts right.