We've moved servers (again) to give us some more space, bandwidth, and processing power, as the old server was a bit slow. Don't be worried if the site appears a little sluggish - I'm running a script to tune the database and site which takes a few hours to work out the best settings, and this is normal. I've ran through everything I can think of and the site seems to be running OK, but as the new platform has had everything installed from scratch, it's possible I've missed some things and that not everything is working properly. If you notice any dodgy errors or problems with the site, post them below if possible. If anyone you know is getting a "Welcome to nginx" page when they try to visit nucastle.co.uk, it's because their DNS cache on their PCs is still pointing towards the old nucastle DNS address. To fix this: 1) Open your start menu and type "CMD" into the run box. 2) Type ipconfig /flushdns into the black box that appears. 3) Restart your router. Alternatively, if you can't be arsed to do all that, just go to www.nucastle.net or www.nucastle.org - both point towards the correct IP address. Just don't click on the Home button if you do, as it links to www.nucastle.co.uk, and if your DNS is incorrect, it'll take you back to the old server. If this is far too complicated and you still can't be arsed, you can wait until the old DNS entry expires and your computer picks up the new one, which shouldn't take more than a few hours
I've just managed to replicate the problem you're having, I'm rebuilding the post and thread index tables now, which should be finished in the next hour or so. Once this is done, the problem should go away
Has anyone had any further problems with double-posting, slow responses, or replies not loading? I've not had any further errors in the logs indicating that there are any of the above, but I'd thought I'd ask in case I'm missing something...