Sex and Drugs (bet this thread gets a lot of hits!) Great innit? well, not all the time! Saying as this seems to be the topic of the week I thought I'd share this story, got if off http:/// a while ago... the lead singer of one of the big 80's bands (can't remember exactly who) was at a party one time, off his tits and tripping on acid. Story goes he shagged a groupie while still tripping and dropped off to sleep straight afterwards. He woke up a bit later, and still tripping slightly, went to the toilet for a piss. As he started pissing the condom he was still wearing, but he'd forgotten all about, started filling up and expanding at an alarming rate. He didnt realise it was the condom but thought it was his knob blowing uo like a balloon. Eventually the condom burst but he still thought it was knob, totally freaked out and ran naked round the party screaming "my knob's exploded, my knob's exploded". You have been warned!
aaahahahahahahaa i like it! i would have failed at the first hurdle and freaked out shaggng u ever done it on acid? tis scary indeed
Imagine the shock horror!! Shit like that cant be good on acid. I wonder if he ever did again? Acid that is