Sexual Harassment Panda From a previous thread Coupla points: 1/ Could do with a Sexual Harrasment Panda moderator patrolling these forums. Lots of sex discrimination going on e.g. "Where's all the chicks", "All chicks love cock", "I like chickens", etc. Us girls don't like it! :cry2: 2/ South Park's into it's 7th series and is still belter. If anyone's seen the one where Jimmy and Timmy join the Cripps, they shall testify. 3/ And remember: If a panda sticks his furry willy in another panda's ear, that makes me a sad panda.
Bugger knows what planet, I've had a few too many mochachino's... Work? Hah! I'm buggering off in ten minutes, three and a half hours early, which I'll still be paid for. 'Cos the database is screwed. Honest.
Dunno, I haven't watched it on telly for a long time, I download all the episodes instead. They're all on Kazaa.
Ooooh. I've got em all on a few CD's aswell. So if you bung me a mochachino or two, I can burn em 4 ya.:bonkers:
Re: Sexual Harassment Panda si and spence have warped my poor little mind si + spence = dirty old porvorts
Re: Re: Re: Sexual Harassment Panda your right i think Geordie Lee maybe right though, he could be one of these strange people who pretend to be girls on the internet