Shindig gets Review on Radio1 website!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fizz, Feb 21, 2002.

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  1. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    Shindig gets Review on Radio1 website!!!

    i think Promise is heading this way, and shouldnt be long before itis recognised nationally. Although i must say its nice the way it is, not too much and not over the top. - the right atmosphere.

    FAO - MARK - Just a thought MARK, how far do you intend to push Promise???
    wonder whether you want to get into commercialising Promise, with such things as publishing mix cd's, clothing etc like Gatecrasher and the likes do? or are you gonna keep it under wraps and keep it a lil more non-commercial and a tad more underground. Dont get me wrong Promise is big up here, but do you really want it going global and stuff like Crasher and ruining its feel at the moment?

    im just rather curious as to what your ambitions and visions are Mark.....
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. AKIRA


    Mar 21, 2002
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    hiding b'hind the bar @ cage
    keep it 'undergound'!!! i'v been to many clubz all over da country an az far az im concernd all the best onez r da 'small' non-comercial clubz(im non sayin that promise is 'small', but iv lived here for 5 months now an iv only just heard how good da place is. id neva herd of it b4 id moved here). dont get me rong, iv had a wicked time at places like gatecrasher an sundissetial but nothing compared to some less know about clubz like freek,innocence an hotdog (any 1 heard of these clubz? didnt fink so)
    therez just somfing 'bout them, iv yet to witness da closeness( family) of promise but im sure i wont be dissapionted, ya'c thatz wot it is 'bout non-comercial clubz, da family an atmospere. comercial clubz just seem to lose that. go to a big club an it groupz of people there, go to a small 'underground' club an evey fukker knowz every one else, thatz the way a club should be.
    well ill c u all on da 29th, when i pop my promise cherry:p :p :D
  4. Guest

    My vote would be to keep it underground. look @ shindig, they have kept themselves underground for 10 years now and look at the success they've had by doing it. Shindig's reputation is second to none arond the country for they are.


    I hate to see promise doing what GK and GC have done, but then that's only my opinion, i just get the feeling that if you keep it undergroundish then it will last much much much longer, i use shindig as an example again.

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