Silly me!!! What a weekend!!!!! Thurs-Solid Fri-Promise Sat-Estorhowevayouspellit Sun-chilled at m8s house Mon-Went in to work on my day off DOH'
thurs - Solid fri - Promise sat- Fizz n ness's then esoterkia then back to after party at fizz n ness's sun - sunday traiding mon - Horse races with my FAMILy omg!
was a bit busy yep, all in the name of good fun tho!!!!hehehe And just to think i get to do it all again next week!!!!
Friday - Promise ! Saturday - Cream Sunday - chillin at mine, then Madascheese's, then mine, then pub ! Plus Sat and Sun actually count as one day in my world of weekend clubbing !!! NO TIME FOR SLEEP !