silly stuff!! how childish am i?!? sittin in the libary at uni gots stacks of wk 2 do GRRRR but im playin with stickers!! YAY!! hope this works me dont reeli av a clu wot am doin... sticker stuff!! xx fingers crossed!! xx
me likes da seaside one da bestest!! n i got every single sticker shape right so nuh!!! colourin' book!! me likes da colourin book 2!!!!
I got bored after erm 3 minutes I ahven't got a good attention span But when did u get a rabbit pic?!?!?!?
me got bored after bout 2mins but neva mind!!! gettin funny looks in da libary 2!!! sheeesh!!! me got the bunny 2day.. er his name is poppy!!
hehehe thankayoo!! me will jus post a blank thread in future n yas can jus watch me bunny bouncin aboot!!
yey its ded canny marissa it would be class for all my iccle nursery children on my placement they'd luv it bless em!!
Why doesn't he ask her out? he who dares and all... he's quite spiffing.. if she turns him down could you give him my number?
yeah well thers the court order u c..he has 2 stay at least 50feet away from her.. he got a bit possessive!! i'll giv im yor numba!!!