Smart E, Chao5 i no who u r i didnt fink any1 off the board came 2 tynemouth college (thats if u do!). hopefully meet yuz at the meet up 2nite cheers but no fanx chao5. i dont do em, 1 fucked up experience was enuff. sayin that im gona try these herby pill fings wen they come fru. no'n my luck theyll turn out 2 b horse tranquillizers. any1 tried em b4? or
Re: Smart E, Chao5 i no who u r u can acctualy get them fron pacha!!!!! saw them in there 2day!!!!! i aint neva tryd them tho..............i might giv them a wherl 1 day.
oh my god ephadrine (probz spelt wrong) are evil stay well away!! well they're not that bad but they fuck you right up if you do enough of them well in my little opinion anyways, they're dead weird xxx