So has anyone made it back from the Dam in one piece then? Has anyone made it back in one piece? Or are you all completely wasted ??? My guess is that latter - this board is *SO* quiet !!
on the subject of amsterdam, id just like to thank all those responsiable for sending me texts saying "CORVIN DALEK" etc etc, i really appreciate it when im here that you are telling me how mint he is! *cries*
Aye, only me n Giz had to come back last night Rest r just on their way back now!!! Actually, will have landed by now if everythin went to plan I wanna go back!!!!!!!!!
Cheers Altho a did spend most of the time getting that txt you sent me!!!!!!!!!!! Im still getting it now n then...had it about 60 times now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ur spamming me
i sent everyone a txt who went to the dam! but i must of sent it to u a few times coz genie kept on crashing on me so i didnt know if it had sent or not! sowwie
i still haven't recovered! i know i wanna live there but hell, i'd probably be dead within.........12 hours! lol THE LAND OF LEGAL DRUGS AND PROSTITUTION! am I dreaming......? no i'm in amsterdam!!!!!!