Spiderman!!!! Saw this last night at Boldon and its fookin mint!!!! Was always gonna enjoy it cos I loved Spiderman as a kid but the film didnt disappoint at all CGI's were awesome in fact the whole film was....definitely recommended!!!!
when i was in london i stood outside the premier celebrity showing last week in the pissing rain for 3 hrs just to see 12-15 celebs but it was worth it in the end to get a kiss on the cheek from the one and only kersten dunst wow i was flying for days after. and i pinched a massive picture of spiderman from in front of the barriers and it took me ages to get bak to my dads hoose as it was sooooo big. lmao. good movie nice broad.......
I saw it on a perfect copy. but now i wish i had of seen it on the big screen. roll on spiderman 2 , least we have The daredevil and Hulk films to keep us occupied till then.
LOL....this must be the only film in the world that 80% of the movie-going public has seen before it's release date! Haven't seen it yet coz couldn't be arsed to get up sunday morning! Have seen a bunch of vfx dailies when the film was still in production which looked excellent tho. And have heard only good things so looking forward to seeing it next week...