Spiked One of my so called friends spiked me with Ket on Saturday night, I have only ever done it once when I was younger and it put me in hospital. I fell over and vomited and passed out, I still dont feel right now :spangled: I have no idea whay peole do that shit for kicks, I thought I was gonna die. Only fools and horses
nothing worse tbh!!!, been spiked a few times by mates but only with little fellas, which wasnt to bad!!!, but couldnt imagine getting spiked with ket i'd be ill, and freak out completley, bad crack!!!
I was in a hired suit at a formal party, I was sick all over myself :evil: I would say I wont be expecting an invite to the next one :evil:
it was that strong it took my breath away, then I can't remember anything else. Face down on the floor in my own vomit, I'm told the host was less than happy
Not very nice that like Jon man.. If you were a horse and you were going to have an operation then fair enough... but your not. Ive only ever been spiked once before , it was a bit sly like because i didnt know,but then again it was ACID and i do like the odd hallucination...lol!! Hope your better anyway man.
here mate did noone tell you, thats supposed to be fun if anyone done that to me id have him thrown off the tyne bridge, especially if i was out.
That is slap bang out of order. you do not do that to people, especially not with that shit :evil: My "mates" got another friend of our by telling him it was a line of coke but it was k and coke, he almost died, it took my 3hrs to convince him to get out of the bath, he thought if he did he'd sink into the floor and not be able to get out. Stuff like that really gets me mad :argue: people need to stop being such cocks towards their mates grr.:evil:
He's not the kind of person you like to tangle with if you know what I mean...he's pretty :evil: to be honest. + he's my m8 and he swears it was a mistake. He was panic stricken apparently, so he should when one of his m8's is foaming at the mouth. I holed for 6 hours
fucking shocking.....can never understand why people do that...i know a lad who was spiked with heroin once..,.he was lying face down in his own vomit wih his tongue gonig down his throat....he was in a coma for 3 days! not fucknig nice at all! if any of us ever get th epleasure to meet this little fuck wit...we'd spike him & then terrify the fucker so he didn't even wanna touch the stuff again! :evil:
How can u accidently spike someone with Ket for fucks sake, its bad crack, I wouldn't speak to him again.
Yeah, some people do this for a laugh, its not even funny at all. You should sneak up behind him and stick a dirty smack needle into him and see if he finds that funny. Its childish.