static! just got sum new decks not that long a go, when i put a record on/off it sligtly speeds up n makes static noises is there any way ov sorting this out? new slip mats or summit?!?
actually there not in:S (probs why) when i first got them my needles were fooked n made an awful noise wen they were earthed! tis probly that ill give it a try, *gets all exited*
Jambon all you need to sort out your set up is two new turntables and perhaps a new mixer *sniggers* No really some new needles should sort you out. If your really nice to me I'll get you some for your B'day!
u need earths bouze. it'll stop that hum when you have both faders up... new needles 'll stop the ramant skipping but not the hum.....
i wont be able to afford anyfink till end of da summer when i get a job!!!but better decks are a must!!! aint you got ya hi-tech ceks where you dont touvh the records and stuff!!!!bloody nerd!