T-Shirt Problems OK peeps i need something really good to write on the back of a t-shirt i made. Any Idea's? p.s. it will be written in foam letters. Oh and if i use your idea you will own the copywrite and you can have 40% of any indorsements.
or simply in massive foam letters : "beer boys rule!" then in smaller type: *but im extremely sarcastic!
" i wish i was @ SS Norf, but i couldnt afford the train and a hotel and lots of ket, so i came to JS"
affraid not sir....i would REALLY like to, but ive got hardly any $$$$$$$$ at the moment.... i WILL make it one day!
I love bananas (obvious, I know) No? OK, in that case: Random Try Hard Official Club's wanker 2 left feet - 1 HUGE d*** If you can read this.................then you're really sad aren't you? charva in training banned from baja DONT PUSH - there's plenty enough of me for everyone ! Cant you take the hint? take your pick!