"Just before I was born, my mother refused to buy clothes pegs from an old Gipsy woman that came to our door, the old gipsy woman said that from that day forward, my mother would be cursed, struck blind and crippled with arthritis. Unfortunately, it was me that was blind and crippled with arthritis, that was until I heard Katie and Peter's hot new LP". class!!!! im buying it!!!!
When i first put this CD on i dropped to my knees and wept. They were strange tears, full of both the sublime meloncholy of the knowledge that i would never hear music better than this again. But they where also tears of joyous rapture, because i had the knowledge that i was there! I was there when the pinacle of audio perfection was reached and would never be bettered! After listening to this, i feel different. A different person, a better person. Colours are sharper, sounds are clearer. It's like this album has opened window to my soul and exposed it to the world! Simply stunning! :laugh: :laugh:
Why aye man, i've only just picked myself off of the floor after plugging my headphones into the Hi-Fi on christmas morning. Little did me mam realise what she was buying me for christmas that afternoon in woolies. When i heard a new world it was as if my boring hair do had once again become a fullsome mullet of massive proportions, i felt as if i could run for 90 minutes from end to end of White Heart Lane or St. James's park, time stood still and if it hadn't of been for the mercurial japester Gazza and not ugly Peter Beardsley knocking for me to go and play some footie over the park and finding me sat in my own filth and unable to talk after five days of non-stop listening i think i would have met my maker! Although as the omnipresent deity is everywhere, heaven must be shut at the moment as his holiness must be giving the angels this cd to practice singing to the departed as they arrive at the pearly gates. Thank you St. Peter and St. Katie