Tania Vulcano Mixmag CD. This must be the worst free CD ive ever heard. Its boring as fuck, only has about 2 half decent tunes on it and is made even worse by lazy mixing and trainwrecked beats. Most of the time free cd's are worth the £4. This one however, will be going in the bin with the magazine. Proper turd.
Re: Re: Tania Vulcano Mixmag CD. The most boring minimal shite youll ever hear! She shouldnt be allowed near a pair of decks.
it's definately the worst mixmag CD i've ever heard like, the best of recent issues for me was steve angello's, no.8 Buy Now - For Sale is quality
Re: Tania Vulcano Mixmag CD. totally agree, turned off after the 3rd of 4th track. The case is nice though
So shes on at Habit soon then!? Nearly everyone ive ever spoke to says she looks ''lost'' behind the decks and trainwrecks nearly every mix!