Tekken They're making a movie lol [ame="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0411951/"]Tekken (2010)@@AMEPARAM@@http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTIwMjA3NDk5NF5BMl5BanBnXkFyZXN1bWU@._V1._SY30_SX23_.jpg@@AMEPARAM@@BMTIwMjA3NDk5NF5BMl5BanBnXkFyZXN1bWU@@@AMEPARAM@@SY30@@AMEPARAM@@SX23[/ame] Only two reasons I'll be watching it is cos Cung Le and (apparently) Roger Huerta, who are professional MMA fighters are amongst the cast. We'll see
It has that bird with the spikey ball on a chain from Kill Bill in it. The cast will no doubt look the nuts, but as far as storyline and acting credentials go I reckon it'll be miserable. Thumbs up if it's minor dialogue/plot and loads of realistic fight scenes. Thumbs down if they try to make some amazing save the world storyline combined with loads of cgi bollocks. Having Cung Le as 'Law' may suggest that they're going for real stunts though
i was never into tekken myself like, and i honestly think the only way this can be any good is if they try and remake some sort of enter the dragon boosport type film and leave out the shitty trash metal / scrwaming rock soundtrack
There's a high percentage chance it'll be gash, same goes for the new Street Fighter (Kristin Kreuk as Chun-Li? Okay then.) Did anyone see DOA/Dead or Alive that was out a year or so ago? Fucking terrible.