the bad bean... This is a story id like to share with u all... I came in one evening tried and stress from work, i sat at the table and waited for me mother to cook me tea, she did and i ate it. I was fine... ...hours passed... ...i rang shelly... ...i was talkin then... kicked! Yep it was there! the little b astard was back! the bad bean! I was complainin of stomach aches etc and asked michelle wat it could b she told me it had 2 be a bad bean! and it was! I went off on me own and listened carefully... Yeah it was true i could hear it laughin inside me! he he he ho ho ho ha ha he ho (err...dont take the p iss that how beans laugh ok!?) So i punched meself in the stomach a few times and whistled like a b itch in a drain pipe. Then i hit the bog and s hit me self good and proper. The bean was gone i was safe thank fuk 4 that. But its out there some where ppl so the next time u hav a meal and hav stomach pains afterwards wen u no u've had beans then go off on ya own listen for the bean laugh and if u hear it do the followin: (1) Run and hide from ur self, i ya good enough it might work but it can b had 2 do as u now the best places to hide but then u no the best places to find to! hmm... I once tried to hide in me own pocket but i found meself straight away! i was proper gutted! (2) Pretend to be a goat in heat, yeah this does meen gettin a goat suit, eatin grass and proberbly gettin shagged stupid off the local village clown, just watch out 4 strange lookin men with wellys and velcro gloves ok? good. Do this 4 about a week and u'll b fine. (3) Or finally u could just go 4 a s hit. But who the fuk would want 2 do that wen u could fall asleep doin it!? exactly! so go for option 1 or 2. I went 4 3 but i can do wat the fuk i want cos i wrote this ok batty boy? yeah? thought so no be off with ya u poor excuse for a slice of warbotons! Hey did ya enjoy that folks lol i did and it was a plesure ritin it 4 ya's ha ha