The best alternative for Audiogalaxy heres what seems best at moment, its i had probs connecting to one of the versions, but once u log in, theres a link for a new but not 100% complete version, but i downloaded that, n its workin fine!! go check it out!!
I use Kazza all the time now just cause it always has the songs I want and it downloads at an ok speed about 4.5k/s on my old 56k baby
Dog u gave me these so ill post them on ere hope there of some use for other peeps !!! Im in the middle of gettin some Guy O set @ the moment - theres many a Set/Album ya can get like but the only problem is when ya resume it n that i dunno if it will let ya once ya Disconnect from the internet - ill try me best to get this set today on this PC
Think the RIAA (bastards!) sued them again and this time they're giving them shitloads more grief about how they've not properly put in restrictions to prevent copywrited material from being downloaded. I could rant for a few pages about how much they (RIAA) piss me off but I won't bother Steve