the disco taxi right on friday we booked a 7 seater taxi and it was late and it was cold outside.. evryone's spirits were gettin moist but when it did turn up it was a mini bus! a bonus on it's own u may say but when we all piled in the driver was playing some happy hardcore.. not that good but THEN he turned on this wikid purple strobe and it was like a rave up in the bus.. top notch end to any nite! were gonna book it 4 next friday! yayayayayayayayayayayayayayyayay party wagon go!
u jammy git! i watched youz go, i think i was the last one to get a taxi AND i was on me bill i wanna a disco bus too mommy!!
Re: the disco taxi Heheheh MINT! I fink we had that taxi driver a few fridays back!!!! fink tis the same?!? We never got the strobe like
we had 1 like that a few eeks ago when we were going up to bedlington. the driver was well cool. n then he'd turned the music off 4 a bit n then he said can u hear that noise? we were all like eh? what? n BOOM, he blasted the toons!!!!! yay, we love cool happy hardcore taxi drivers. did he have a skin head? can u remember this driver, fizz, Dr HH, AKIRA, ness, rozza-jayne? i can!!!!!!!
Hahahah yeah he got us all!!!!!!!!!!! Can u ehar that!?!? Hear wot?!?!? Cant u hear it??? WOT?!?!? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM - THIS!!!!!!!!! LOL HOW MINT WAS HE?!?!?! Fizz knew him me thinks??? I fink its the same one who now has a strobe...WAY COOL!
yeah he had a skinhead i think the taxi company started with B.. we was loooooooovin it.. my mC ing was the best.
i remember that driver...............he woz well mint!!!!!!!!!! dont ask me the name ov da company tho..........i hav enough trouble tryin 2 remember peepz namez, let alone wot taxi i got in!!!!!!!!!
yes i remember that taxi driver, i met him at tall trees, and yeah he was well cool, shit what was his name........??>>??> he was bald or skinhead canny big bloke and mad eyes - well he had contacts in at tall trees!!!!! pumpin hardcore when we turned up!! hes a good bloke too! shti i got his number n all, but ive lost it. a true hardcore taxi driver methinks!
it wasnt really a minibus it was one of the big post vans with seats an windows and was bright red LOL
lol. ah well, if this was the same driver, he must have had a borrowed black cab when he took us!!! either that or there is two hardcore party bus drivers in newcastle!!!!!!!
Re: the disco taxi LMAO> that bus was mint m8. Totally made my nite He was playin some wicked happy harcore tune samplin the Alton towers theme tune. If we book them nxt week m8 the bus had a number 8 on the back. And ur mc-in was class.