The new father

Discussion in 'Fun Stuff' started by Amyblah, Nov 17, 2002.

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  1. Amyblah

    Amyblah Registered User

    Dec 19, 2001
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    The new father

    One day a new mother went out to run some errands, leaving her husband in charge of their baby son for the day.

    The proud father played with his son all morning, but after a few hours, the baby began to cry uncontrollably. The father tried everything he could think of to get the baby to stop - he offered him the bottle, burped him, rocked him, but nothing seemed to work and the baby just cried more and more.

    Finally, the new dad became worried, and decided to take the baby to the pediatrician.

    The doctor began to examine the squalling baby, not finding anything wrong. Finally, he worked his way down and undid the child's diaper. "Well, here's your problem," the doctor chuckled, pointing at the overloaded diaper. "This baby hasn't been changed all day!"

    The father scratched his head, perplexed. "But..." he said, "The diaper package says it's good for up to 10 pounds!"
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