this imagestation malarky!! rite then kiddies afta gettin my luvli shiny lil digital cameral 4 ma b'day all those many months ago i now want to be able to put em on this image station so sat all day yesterday tryin to do it n i waited n waited n waited and i just cudnt get em to upload on ma computer and aint too sure why...!! is it meant to take practically a whole day to do cos im sure it aint but want all ma piccies on sumfink like that cos its betta than just stored on ma computer!!! please cud sumoen help me!!! xxx
Are the pictures already on ur computer? Or do u mean ur having trouble downloading them onto ur computer? What camera have you got?
nah they're already on ma computer hav got em all on it so tried to upload em and it said it was doin it then took ages and ages n ages then jus tcame up after about 10 hours sayin page cannot be displayed!! xxxx
tis an "oregon scientific" or sumfink!! when i went into upload i clicked on browse n selected the ones i wanted to upload and it said it was installin them in a photo album but it neva did xxx
It should only take half an hour at most. Depends how many pics u have like. After u log in.... go to 'my imagestation' then 'create new album' then fill out the album detail and click continue on the next page click on drag and drop (u may need to let something to download on ur computer at this point bcos it is the 1st time u r doing it, so just accept if a box pops up) then choose the pics from the folders on ur computer and then upload them. Your computer should then tell u that the pictures are being uploaded. Im doing this from memory so Im not sure what happens next but once ur pics are uploaded the rest should be easy.
When u click it does a box pop up where u can choose all the pics u want to upload? If it does, just find the pictures on ur computer and highlight all the ones u want to upload. Hold down the 'Ctrl' button if u want to highlight more than one picture.