those going to cream@ telewest Had an idea while in the bath (dont ask me why i thought of it while in the any way the idea is those who want to could print off their avatar and wear it so we can reconise each other better. me and fluffy will its upto u lot if u want to..
Mines actually pretty good now, i couldnt come to promise tonight - so i've had plenty of time to make it!
cool,mines done,al print rave monkeys out aswell,coz it looks like he hasnt been on here to read this.
i done that ages ago, mines mint, printed it off n put my name on ot then covered it in glitter and got my mam to laminate it, very stylish indeed! shame im not going tonight tho!
Re: those going to cream@ telewest How do u mean? Wear it how? Sorry, just can't b arsed 2 think 4 myself 2day!
With what? I haven't got time. Plus I only had 5 hours sleep and have travelled home from Preston. Making niggly things like that wud annoy me. JUST LIKE THE FLY ON MY SCREEN IS DOING RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
all u gotta do is right click on ya avatar,click print,then get a little bit of celotape and stick it on ya shirt or whatever ya wearing