tidy boys!!!! who the hell was that bloke who kept insistin he was one of the tidy boys n was playin at GK??????? was he chattin 2 any1 else??????? aparently if u use a secret password 'tidy boys keep it tidy' u can get back stage......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, i remain unconvinced! but i fink we should all try it anyway for laff!!!!!!! i dont beleive him!!!!!! but we'l see for sure tonite wont we!!!!!!!!!
Told you they were bald darlin! hehe but the cyberdog writing in japanese really does mean "ecstacy mother fucker" - honest
o i no they is bald!! they certainly aint stringy southern geeks who cant dance!!!!!!!! i just thought it was so funny to humour this guy......... NEXT time sum1 wants me to beleive they are a famous dj... a)make sure its some1 ive never seen before b) ur not a geek c)u can name tunes that i keep throwin at u to name d)dont make up random drivel about passwords/djs u no, tryin to impress me!! e)u dont get other dj's (JFK) to sign bits of paper for u!!!!!!!!! i aint fukkin stoopid..........but u did provide me with a comedy moment!!!!!!!specially wen jules shouted very loudly 'HE RECKONS HES ONE OF THE TIDY BOYS!!!!! WOT A PRICK' (or words to that effect)at extremely high volume outside wen he was 1 foot away from us!! hahahahaha!!!!!!!! nice 1 chucky egg!!!!!!
theres a pair of ya we were in the local NISA store a while back and jayne said...URRRRGH THAT MAN SMELLS OF PISS...he was like 2 feet away and the only other customer in the shop at the time subtle as a ton of bricks haha