Todays installment of "The CarTOON comedy show" Cannell NUFC TV Time: 1945 Description: Ex Player and all round bad boy rerturns to haunt the crisis club once again, taking the boo's & taunts and ramming them down the overweight, ugly supporters throats with a couple of goals. The hunchbacked villian will no doubt have a smirk about Douglas Halls comments "He will never play for a bigger club than Newcastle UTD" as he slips on about his forth bigger clubs jersey since he left the circus. Bellamy, now a multi millionaire thanks to Newcastle selling him and hes moves since, will no doubt be texting Sir Pubic Mound afterwards to mock him so more. OR Can Pigsear rally the troops and find 11 players that arnt scouring the chronicals jobs pull out tp pull off a shock? if not relegation zone here comes the scumers!