1 day after eating at chiquito's as well as a cash tip amy & i wrote that on the back of our bill 4 the waiter who had served us!!
Re: Top Tips how many times? which has lead to me waddling from cubicle to cubicle with trousers round my ankles, hoping no one else sees, not a problem in a club, bad news at work! dont whistle while u eat or drink
or dont try pissin into the toilet without turning the light on... it will go on your feet, worst when u ve got no shoes or socks on...
dont put all your weight on the glass screen when photocopying your buttcheeks... a guy did this once, and the screen smashed....
when a charva comes up to ask u for a cig, ask then before they ask you for one, they wont expect it and it ll confuse the fuck outta them