Tourette's Syndrome Look at the difference between the way both we and the Americans deal with Tourette's Syndrome. First take a look at the American site: The British seem to take a slightly different approach to tourettes...
lol on a total tangent i read sumwhere that loads of slip not fans were clicking on nd finding a crochet website n they been terrorising the grannies lol it was rumoured one of them was gonna start a new metal group called womens institute to get their own back
whats tourettes syndrome and is the link okay its nothing porn or disturbing is it, im always a bit wary now after previous experiences of clicking on links and naked people or weird things like that flashing up and peple seeing n thinking i'm a weirdo!! xxx
its an illness where people kinda shout offensive stuff but cant help it...there used to be this woman who walked round durham screamin and shoutin at people...was dead scary cos she would sit down and stuff and then scream at the person she had sat next to!
People with tourette's syndrome are jittery and have an uncontrollable urge to swear all the time. Or something like that. Bah, I've spoiled the joke now by explaining it! Just click the links anyway and observe the Yanks' aproach and the Brits' approach to this problem...
aahhh i think our mam was on about this a bit ago is it where people go around swearing and saying naughty things n stuff i think there was something in the paper about it. surely you can stop yourself from swearing and stuff im not saying that they can stop themselves from shouting n stuff but i would have thought that they'd be able to stop themselves from saying the bad things that i read one little boy was saying xxxx oh sorry just read your post explaining it!! xxx oh no yet again somethink daft has just flashed up on the screen (i.e the FUCK OFF bit) and someones just walked past n seen it n given me a funny look god this always seems to happen!! xxx
Well if you think they can't help it, take the American approach. If you think they can, take the British approach. Simple as that There are a lot of them in Ikon!
Theres an old tramp lady with tourettes that hangs rund Leeds coach station. Me, Sian and Ali spent 6 hours listening to her abusive language on a comedown after SS North waiting for our National Express to arrive It is an understatement when I say that I dont want do that again in a hurry
haha fcukin quality... bill connolly did a fuckin crackin sketch about tourettes syndrome, funny as fuck PISS
Have you ever seen Deuce Biggerlow, Male Giggerlow? One of the girls in it has tourettes. See if you can guess which one, I think you will be suprised!