Trying to remember a game... Right, long shot here. my mate had a demo of a game in about '97, it was a WWII simulator type game, made by Microsoft. Top down view, u controlled a squad of soldiers, either allied or huns and u had to complete missions. obviously. it was really good at the time, there were vechiles, mortar blokes, u fellas gots injured and wouldn't fight - all played in real time. i THINK it was called Close Combat but i'm not sure. Anyone know the name? any screen shots if so? Just fancied something to do on an afternoon while i'm bored at work...
google solves all. it was Close Combat. Anyone got it? wanna email me it this afternoon? worth a bash.
i believe ive seen copies floating around on bit torrent. for evaluation purposes only of course. *cough*
i am correct. there's a new one due out that now looks all modern and flahy there's also been 5 games in the series, of which a full history can be found HERE
well from reading around the best / nicest looking / but still the same as the original is the newst one, the 'invasion normandy' one, of which a demo can be found HERE ... there are 'evaluation' versions out there but i can't fookin find em again...
i'll have to get bit torrent now! EDIT : Christ... u gotta pay for bit torrent?!? god damn it... t'internet is so damn hard.... EDIT Mk2 : Soz... got a free on now. jumped the gun a bit there..