Tukan have any of you's heard Tukan - when you hear the silence (WAVESCOPE MIX) i think its mint...except for the vocals in it which i dont really like wots your thoughts on this tune
other than message in a bottle I can't think of one decent trance tune with a male singing... and that only sounds good cos sting sounds like a woman men and trance don't mix... trance is for ladies
You are not wrong... I only have 2 records with male vocals, that I will play, and both of these have massive amounts of reverb, distortion and vocoder effect added. Its female voices all the way! Lee!
I think Heaven's Cry "Til Tears Us Do Part" is ok for the male vocals, but their new release is pap. It sounds similar to Tears. I think yr right, female vocals all the way, although even they are often guilty of makin a tune cheezee. IMO few tunes work with vocals, just prefer the tune!
Til tears do us part dont have male vocal does it?? I dont remember much vocal in it at all. :spangled:
Not a top fan of cheesy vocal trance myself but here are some of my faves: Perpetuous Dreamer - Sound Of Goodbye 10th Planet - Ghosts Lost Witness - 7 Colours Way Out West - The Fall <--- Male Voice!!! Rank 1 - Such Is Life Warrior - Warrior Freefall - Skydive Thats all I can think of at the moment!
D'oh what the fuck am i talkin about. Of course it got vocal in it. Its no man tho!!!! Its clearly a chick!!!
nice list, all of them are top tunes and some of my favs... Feeling this way - The conductor and cowboy anothe one i like, thats got male vocals in aswell, i think!
A chick?? Surely not! The version I've got is a blowk man! FFS whats wrong with you people- this is exactly why I don't try to score with any birds in Promise (and the fact Im not taken) As for feeling this way, there is a chick in that who does backin vocals, she sings summat like "fall... falling......." Way Out West - The Fall ...TUNE!!! I got that on vinyl few weeks back, been after it for ages cos our lass loves it n bein the soppy gits we are, we sing it to each other (just a brief line you understand, we're no Frank and Nancy) so it felt mint to mix it out of Push vs Sunscreem - "Please Save Me" (another good track with vocals) and put it on a tape for her, without her knowin what was comin. Just one of the joys of DJing
thats because it all needs re-indexing. It's a job I can set off, however it takes aaaages and slows everything down. I'll have a go at running it tonight...