Vibes, Livelee, Whizzkid And Kurt Intervews On The James Dub Show! Hi everyone. just to let you know i have secured interviews with the following artists: MC Whizzkid DJ Vibes MC Livelee DJ Kurt i will be broadcasting one interview per week on my show (Friday nights 8 til 10) This week (Friday 16th Feb) will be the legend that is DJ Vibes!! He discusses the scene as it is now and was then, how he won hardcore DJ of the year and what it was like playin the last ever tune at the legendary Sactuary!! plus we have a free competition to give away tickets. Also get your shoutouts and requests in via the pager. You can also pager in questions that u would like to ask future DJs. Music policy: 8 tl 9 = Upfront Hardcore (vocal and bouncy) 9 til 930 = History of Hardcore Half Hour Mix (not obvious classics, rarer cuts from years gone by) 930 - 10 = Upfront Hardcore (harder edge stuff) Hope you can all make it, James Dub.
Hi everyone, we are back after a week away, playing at Whos Hardcore and History of Hardcore!! we have a quality show lined up with an interview with DJ KURT!! plus get your shoutouts and requests in via the pager. You can also pager in questions that u would like to ask future DJs. Music policy: 8 tl 9 = Upfront Hardcore (vocal and bouncy) 9 til 930 = History of Hardcore Half Hour Mix (not obvious classics, rarer cuts from years gone by) 930 - 10 = Upfront Hardcore (harder edge stuff) plus guest mix appearance from DJ Temple (Germany) Hope you can all make it, James Dub and the crew!!
Hi all, big thanx to Sid P, MC Philma, DJ Speed and Dj Sonic for last week's guest slot! hope u can join me this week for more slammin tunes. i went record shopping last week and have got a load of new tracks (thanks to WS records!!) to slam out. 8 tl 9 = Upfront Hardcore (vocal and bouncy) 9 til 930 = History of Hardcore Half Hour Mix (not obvious classics, rarer cuts from years gone by) 930 - 10 = Upfront Hardcore (harder edge stuff) pager in ur shoutouts, requests and questions for future interviews with DJs. hope u can make it, James Dub