
Discussion in 'Music' started by Granty, Apr 18, 2008.

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  1. Granty

    Granty 38°52′48″N 1°23′30″E

    Aug 17, 2005
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    Here and there.....

    I’m not trying to start any particular debate between which is better (Vinyl or Digital/cd djing), but I recently considered selling my Technics 1200’s and all my records, but opted against it. Since then I’ve started to feel a bit of my own, personal, vinyl resurrection. I’ve found myself digging through my old records and knocking out some amazing sets – all be it on my own or at afters with a load mates. However, it’s made me realise how fun it was/is to mix again. Fair enough the creative side that digital software, or cd deck features, brings to the world can’t be knocked and there’s no doubt that this way of “performing” is the way forward, but I still feel vinyl holds a firm place as a way of djing. I may be wrong….

    I’m also considering investing in Rane’s Serato Scratch so I can utilise, and continue to use, my 1200’s.

    Q: Does anyone else on here still use (and enjoy using) vinyl?
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    vinyl mixing is so much more a 'hands on' physical thing, instant feedback (and it bites u on the arse if you're too heavy handed) - i love it - much more fun than whole CD thing - but certain genres of dance music seem to be more digtally focused - i suppose it depends on what you play. With CDs, you're spoilt for choice on what u can play which means, in my opinion, you spend less time on being particular about what you buy or play out - however the choice out there is difficult to argue with

    i'd never sell my decks or vinyl - it's the 1 thing i OWN that i put any real value on because of the time and effort i've put into it
  4. DN HY

    DN HY 142 bmp

    Oct 28, 2005
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    Re: Vinyl...

    i have been doing this lately aswell, you forget how many mint tunes from ages ago you actually have!!!
  5. Granty

    Granty 38°52′48″N 1°23′30″E

    Aug 17, 2005
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    Here and there.....
    Yeah, I've read a few of his posts about it and that's one of the reasons I've started thinking about purchasing the package.

    When I got in from work last night I decided to dig out old stuff I'd bought off Hooj, Saw, Additive etc... Before I knew it, I'd been on the decks for about 4 hours just messing about. An obsessive amount of missed calls from my lass later I decided to call it a day - it was after midnight!!

    Der Dritte Raum 'Hale Bopp' :love: So glad I bought this record - 10 years ago!!!
  6. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    Yep I much prefer vinyl but just cant afford it at the moment so treat myself to 1 record a week

    Will be getting Serato/Traktor when I finish Uni

    With vinyl you are guaranteed to get/do at least one fuck up which can add a bit of excitement to an otherwise dull set :lol:

    MAXIMAL: Registered User

    Mar 26, 2008
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    Re: Vinyl...

    i'm the same, i've been looking into buying serato or traktor and this is down to dusting down my old records and using the 1200's again.

    I've used serato but haven't used traktor yet so gonna wait until i get a chance to use that before goin out n buying one of them.

    Has anyone used both and if so what's best??
  8. Granty

    Granty 38°52′48″N 1°23′30″E

    Aug 17, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.....
    If you put some full on concentration in and the records you're playing are around 125bpm I tend to find it's not to hard to recover from, or mask, a fuck up. It used to be the other way round though. Anything 135bpm+ used to seem a breeze. The tables have turned though...
  9. Jase

    Jase Blue Booked

    Nov 7, 2004
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    i love vinyl, but i think you'll agree with me once you move to SSL, that its shit.

    all of the things you love about it and all the things you cant do with it in comparison to cds all gel together inside the laptop with SSL.

    which is perfect.

    The things i noticed when i started using scratch live was setting up the initial mp3 collection, that took months to do, but i will admit i got a bit like monica and its tidy as fuck :D

    the second is the setup at venue's, im not really that keen on that and it can get a bit hairy if you're new to a venue and dont know what they have to plug in to (access to the back of the mixer is always a concern)

    ive started taking the sl1 box and the ttm57 mixer out with me now to avoid any panic/slaver

    if theres owt you want to know about ssl i'll try and answer any questions :)

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