Vista home premium key I have a legit copy of windows vista home premium already & had to flatten my pc due to numerous problems. After reinstalling it i realised that the validation key sticker (which is on the back of the tower) has a rip down the middle, so i can't get the full key. I can't find the receipt so the pc's manufacturer won't give me it & Microsoft are useless!!! I don't really want a crack if it's gonna bite me in the arse in 6 months time & i'd really prefer not to have to go and pay for a copy of Vista just for the key But if i do have to pay for it, will a home basic key work? It is half he price. Or does anyone have any other bright ideas? Thanks in advance
id just phone them up and ask for a new key m8 , they never ask for proof or anything, had to do it loads of times at work !!
I tried, i rang one day and they told me to ring back the next on what turned out to be the same bloody number. Do they not just give it to you cause it's linked to the business?
nah they just usually tell me to go into something on the computer that gives them a number then they give me a fresh key back !!