We Are Alive!!!!!! - Cahoot Just want to say, me and ness have just surfaced from our weekend expeditions, just got the house back in order and are almost back to normal!!!! currently grabbing some excellent images from the video footage of cahoot. Tulip & Tony - THANK YOU!!!!! what an amazing night!!! im still rather kackered so i will write more tomorrow... bed!!!! bye
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to After Party Attenders should have been called tho' - nuff peeps in ya house mate! nice to c youz all again tho' - rozza jane (aka lil sleepy puss) etc etc ps who was the scary girl with the maseef gurn who was sitting on youz just as we left?!!!
it deffo had to be the most peeps i had ever seen in a house like mate lol!! what was the matter with the upstairs decksm8y??
yeah, i was a bit scared when i walked up to the house to see a queue outside when we got off the coach!!! anyways, it was a blast!!! may have to do that again sometime.. what was the matter with the vestax upstairs like???? i think there was only one that was a bit odd, cos the needle or sorry even the cartridge wasnt attached properly so someone thought about swapping the styli but that didnt work!!!
think it was cos it was up too loud and they were jumping....they tried my needles but they just jumped too so we just turned it down in the end!!
nah it was cos there was an extra speaker connected to the amp... kept cutting it out!!!!!! just realised now!!! doh!!!!