web domain help need advice on domain purchase . cant get .co.uk as the name i require transfers to another site , however , i would be happy with .org.uk or .net, the only other sensible option. now to all the boffins out there , does the org.uk mean anything? i know org means organisation or charity or summit ???? just dont wont to buy domain , do site over time and it make me look like a tit. its for a tree hugging website offering arboriculture and gardening services.
i thought of that months ago , but , im not into the dirty stuff, id go 4 the lone . hope u got me pm , was geniune mistake on missed call
cool , far right of screens say .org.uk , no restrictions , thanks , funny enough , i read that webpage before i posted thisim a reet hammer sometimes
It will probably affect SEO and its not really that easy for people to remember so avoid where possible.