We've gotta do this again! We had a mint time ice-skating today (granted only 2 of us went) it was still mint. so we r guna have to arrange a propper day when we can all go ice skating at a weekend, with lots of notice. it was such a laugh watchin akira fall flat on his arse/back/front/arse again! it was well funny n i didnt even fall once! so c'mon every1, who's up 4 a bit of pissed skating?
ME ME ME ME ME ME ME Make it a weekend tho cos i work for evil people who wont let me take the time off
2 rite!!!!!! well class............my elbowz hurt!!!! an my kneez( no none of that) nxt time we should get loadza peepz......on a sat day time, after promise. would b class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it will be a weekend, but i need to get the time off 1 of my 3 jobs (see, im not a scrounging stooooodent, thats just during the week!)
well you rang me in the morning to see if i wanted to go but alas alak i was in the land of nod for days, coz there will be NO flaking this weekend!loop x
That was today! I needed it...needed rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All raring to go tomorrow and saturday now tho..... CAWWWWWN ON!!!