what would u ask DJ Stormtrooper?? hi everyone, hope u can join me for another fun packed show. I am hoping to interview DJ Stormtrooper tomoro (many tunes released on Thin n Crispy records, done lots of collaboration with Robbie long etc.). if u tune in to my show tonite, u can pager in questions for him. i will then play the full interview next week, ask him about productions, DJing or whatever. 8 til 10, tonite (Fri 11 may) www.historyofhardcore.co.uk music policy is: 8 tl 9 = Upfront Hardcore (vocal and bouncy) 9 til 930 = History of Hardcore Half Hour Mix (not obvious classics, rarer cuts from years gone by) 930 - 10 = Upfront Hardcore (harder edge stuff) Hope you can all make it, Jame Dub.