who wants to do my............. fuckin anatomy exam 2moz!!!!!!! any requests will gladly be accepted! fuk this shit
Sparky I think this means u deffo have to go out tomorrow night...reward for doing nasty exam type thingy! U know u want to... *grins*
i kno hun, i really go out to promise but not sure if i can afford it yet, went to extend overdraft yesterday and they said they wud get bact to me, but no sign as yet hooj mwaz
Fingers crossed for ur overdraft sugar! Alternatively we could set up a sparky fund where everyone donates a pound! I will get u to come out somehow...
im here mr!!! please please please please please come to promise dude?!! jules idea of a pound donation sounds fine to me!!! please!!!!!! if u dont, i'll have no one to wine (dont fink thats how its spelt?!?!) at, like only me and u know how to!!! please?
this thread is false advertising, i came in here thinking it was going to be something dirty, when a thread starts off with "who wants to do my......" then it gets me thinking, i came in here for the total wrong reasons!