windows activasion

Discussion in 'Technology' started by ManofScience, Jan 13, 2005.

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  1. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Could be a few things :

    1) Service Pack 2 may do this if u install it and it detects you're using a dodgy reg key.

    2) a virus could do it if it fucks your registry - i've got a 'work around' for getting rid of dody keys which involes giving it a new activiation code and fiddling in the registration - a virus could also easily do this.

    Best bet - soon as u turn it on, after the black bios screen PRESS F8 - u should get a start up menu - see if i lets u go into safe mode. Once there, try the system restore.............

    Other thing to try - google for the message you're getting - see if other people are having similar problems!

    on that screen u get - there will be an option to either do 'registry by phone or internet' - if u do it by phone - there is then a place where u can type in a new licence key.
  2. 1615634792921.png

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