Word HELP!! hello, Ive just found job online that really suits what im looking to do bu the closing date is friday and apart from this morning and tonight when im done working ive not got much other free time. It says complete the application form electronicaly then you can e-mail it over. Its a word doc and the parts that you can type into are greyed out. this is fine for small amounts of information but when i get half way down the page and have to type more than 50 words it stops me as if ive ran out of space and Ive got no idea how to edit the page as the majority of the options in word are greyed out. ive attached a screen shot, if any one can help me out here it would be massively appreciated. cheers
It's got a chance to be a protected document, if you look in one of the menus, (tools I think) there's an option to unprotect/unlock but you may need a password if the document has been created by a third party.... other than that, try using open-office instead. failing that there's not a lot you can do....
Post a link to the application so some of us can have a go. Does this job involve using word or thinking outside the box?
cheers, yeah ive managed to find the unlock section but its passworded. i seem to have found a program that will unlock it for me. spence. it will involve using word now and again i can imagine but not primarily. its a technition job at the university in the media and journalism department. http://www.ntu.ac.uk/human_resources/job_vacancies/professional_support/89129.html thanks
What part of the form can you not go over 50 words?? If it is a desrciption of something (your strengths/weaknesses etc) then it may be protected at 50 words for a reason! Some places hate a load of text that is unnecessary so do it on purpose
yeah i thought that but theres a section for previous employment which is in a table, and the end column says: brief details and reson for change but it only lets me type in about 8 words. tried getting a password unlocker thing but no luck, i think im gonna just create my own word doc with all the relevant info in and submit that which theyl hopefully accept.
If you're really stuck, try installing something like PrimoPDF to print the file into a PDF format (or using Word2007 I think natively supports saving to pdf) and then you may be able to edit this with the full version of Acrobat.
Did you save the file locally? It will be read only if opened from online location. Saving the file locally 'should' allow editing of the preformatted fields.
Save it first as someone else says. If you press "ENTER" it expands all the box's bar the "FURTHER INFORMATION" box, but that section does say you can use a separate bit of paper if you run out of space.
yeah i saved it locally, still not working as its password protected. gonna ring them in the morning, got all the sections i need to input saved on another file ready to go anyhow. cheers for the help and advice
Mick I wouldnt alter it like. Just fill in what you can. Everyones will be the same. Why not attach a copy of your CV with it?