Work Hours Dilemma As most of you will have read, i started a new job recently. This is all well and good, and I am genuinely enjoying it, but my hours are increasing by the day. At my interview, I was told occasional Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 11-3. That sharp changed to 11-5 on every day, except Wednesday. Now its 10-7 Friday and Saturday and 11-5 on Sunday, aswell as some Wednesdays 11-3, and even Thursdays (when im at uni!!) from 4-8. Dispite saying I was at uni, i just got an "alrite" but no change in the rota. Basically, this means I cant go out on Friday or Saturday nights, for the whole of Christmas, unless I want to go for 9 hours in Zombie mode!! So im not sure what to do? I genuinely like the job as I have said, but i am sure that will change if I have to spend 24 hours of my weekend working for the next 6 or so weeks ("peak" season) Suggestions?! I will actually go mad.
stick it out mate, they'll see you as enthusiastic and probably offer you permanent job after christmas..... make a compromise with your manager letting him which nights you want off and arrange extra hours around that.
I was thinking that like. I am very enthusiastic at the minute, but as many of you will know, it is VERY hard to be enthusiastic if you have had enough! I reckon a quick chat is in order...a sort of "can i start at 12 every other saturday" or something like that. Theres nobody there before 12 really, and very few after 5. Its just a bit of a sticky situation, I dont want them to think I cant be arsed, and I would like to stay on permanently! Argh!
My manger tried to get me to do overtime on a Saturday the other week when Promise was on. I told him I couldn't go as I was going clubbing. He also tried to get me to do it tommorow. When told I had a driving lesson, he said that I'd have to learn to book them out of work time in future, the cheeky fuck! When I reminded him that it was out of work time he said "well if you can't do it you can't do it". Yes, you're telling me you little fat ****. They try to pressure you a lot at our place but I still haven't done any overtime. They can shove overtime, and especially weekends up their fucking arses along with their night shift. Just be firm and tell them you're not doing it.