XP Pro Right....my copy of XP Pro is from way back, before service pack one and loads of critical updates etc. So any time i have to reformat, i have to piss about with reinstalling loads of updates....which i cant really be arsed with! Anybody know where I can get the latest, up to date version of XP? Either as a download or from one of you kind folks Cheers!!
Re: XP Pro doesnt matter mate - all u wud get was a version with sp1s build in....wudnt have the critical updates - still need to re-apply them........ u broadband? if so - jus get onto windows update n bobs ur uncle
http://www.autopatcher.com/ has all released patches etc and is just one install- it's updated monthly with any new ones that come out. Thing is, it needs SP1 installed but if you dl a windows with sp1 built in, you'll just be able to download the autopatcher and use that from now on.
trance_fan ur PC is hardly open to security exploits consdering your manner of connection, personally i wouldn't be arsed to bother. as the above said, www.windowsupdate.com automatiocally detects and installs all that is necessary, you just need to feed the pig.
lol its nowt to do with security mate, I just want a more up to date version. I'll get one thats already SP1! Cheers for the info!
SP1 is the most 'recent' version. All the most recent updates are going to be in SP2 which is MEANT to be out soon (Beta testing somewhere at the moment but i've heard there's problems with it.) Best bet is XP inc. SP1 then use the automatic update function within XP to get the patches u want. Might as well get them straight from the horses mouth, so to speak. Broadband recommended.
I would not bother unless you are updating for security. sp1 is less responsive than original xp pro imo.
Unless you are going to be running your PC as reclusive as a hermit I'd seriously recommend the updates. Get some decent AV running aswell cos you'll probably get a virus before you've finished updating as Windows Update has been a gateway for some nasty virus attacks of late.
go to the microsoft retail site (where u buy stuff online) and look for service pack 1... they will send you a service pack 1 update cd for xp for free. simple.
in fact, here: http://www.microsoft.com/uk/windowsxp/servicepacks/sp1.mspx see how nice i am dont even have to pay for postage or packaging