You have got to see this, one of the most shocking things i have ever seen... Loose Change This is basically proof that 9/11 was all planned by te bush administration and had nothing to do with osama.. hope your sitting down
“We know there are errors in the documentary, and we’ve actually left them in there so that people discredit us and do the research for themselves.”
Thats well interesting! I was a bit skeptical before about all of the conspiracy theories but that has got me convinced.
90% of the information he presents as fact aren't, most of hi theories are pure speculation and a misrepresentation of reality..... pick any issue that incriminates the government or big business from the documentary and I can discredit it
Discrediting a government doesn't incriminate them 9/11... The documentary suggests through disjointed arguments that the US Government/big business was involved in 9/11 - all the arguments presented by loosechange are easily dismissed.
yep couldnt agree more . My comment had bot all to do with the link and that documentry merley stating that dicrediting can be done with most things , i.e Wars on terror
they were an act of terrosim. nothing more, people always bring up bullshit conspiracy theories, the net is rife with this shit. i suppose the bombings in london had fuck all to do with terrorism either
It’s all bullshit!, look at the other so call cover ups and bullshit conspiracy theories, always more holes in the so called facts then you'd find in a tea bag. Most are started by yanks that think Elvis stacks shelves at their local 7-11
Basically my point was that America is corrupt and the government are a bunch of wankers which still stands as a fair comment I think. There is still a lot we dont know but we are never going to