Zodiac Watched this last night. It's quite long (about 2 hours 40 i think) but really involving, beautifully composed and shot by the master Fincher. Loved the cinematography and the camerawork is proper first class. It's quite heavyweight, and it's length might put people off, but i'd highly recommended it. 8/10
aye it looks class this film like, i cant understand people who cant sit still for 3 hours and watch a film especially if its a good one, if its turd then fair play
Alien 3 was pretty good, obv not as good as the first one tho or the second one. Really want to see this, wasnt a massive fan of Fight Club tho.
my m8 wants me to go and see this with her on sunday. I really don't think I can handle 2 hours 40mins in a cinema though. Maybe if i was a short arse it wouldnt be so bad but after about 70mins I always find myself shuffling around and thinking of ways to stop my arse from feeling numb. I'd prefer 28 weeks later tbh
I read the book last year so I was looking forward to the film. Thought it dragged on a little and lost pace for a while in the middle but picked up towards the end. It's an interesting story anyhow, and quite well made.
seen this lastnight, really enjoyed it. Dont think i ever got bored watching it. Great cast and some great acting