Re: Xmas Work Partys make sure u save loads of money cos the drinks in there aint cheap!!!!!! the last place i worked had a work's do...
MPEG> avi/ avi> MPEG 3 Q's............... 1, can any 1 suggest a good prog to do this? 2, wot diff does it make? 3, is there any point ?
thats fun!!!:D
i think that the most insane thing i eva did wos rob a P.O. there wasent any one there, i did it at nite. so there wernt any guns or violence...
dont fink so!!! 'parently playrooms has been shut down:confused: :confused:
beat me to it!!!!!
if its causing a problem why don u just convert the .wav files in to .mp3 files???? i trust u dont hav any problem burnin them?
i think the burnin question that most the lads wanna kno..........IS UR SISTER COMIN WIV U 2 PROMISE ON THE 6th DECEMBER!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :rolleyes:
ill hav a look there, if i get no joy then ill PM ya!!:D
patch any one kno when i can get a patch for paintshop pro 7 from? will i get it off Kazaa co i aint looked on there yet!!!!:( :(
it aint just jarrett, phils guilty of it to!!!!!!
go to richer sounds. u'll get a nice set from there for 100 notes!!!!! i got a nice set ov beech mission 702c for £109 an they are floor...
aaaaaah, now i c!!!!!!!!!!
Filetopia cant find that program, want the latest game or film. then try this, iv been lost in here for days
why spend all that money on them wen u could ov downloaded an emulater off the net for free and then played the games on ur P.C?:confused: :confused:
just outta curiosity, why would u wanna watch TV on ur comp?????:confused: i can understand the comp 2 tv bit!
r we havin a bad day m8?:D
an wot would that b???:confused: :confused:
Re: Promise Hard important announcement betta late that never!!!!!!!!!
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