beard??? explain???
eeee aint he luvly... ...wot does everybody else think bout our lil charva
Isnt CLARKi really luvly hes such a canny bairn i just thought id tell every1! mwah mwah ur sooo luvly CLARKi (not in a homosexual way though)...
sweet as m8! im startin my trainin for that campian on monday! r u already on the floor or r u trainin 2?
trust u 2 come out wiv a comment like that:rolleyes:
he's ded interested in it, any chance u could PM me a map 2 ur place so it'll b easyer 4 uz 2 get there?
wots all this bout? u havin a house warmin?
me an the promoter ov 'clarki's kitchin':rolleyes: will hopfully b makin an aperence!!!!!!!! just gota work out where it is:spangled: ne1 kno the...
me an mi m8 who woz txtin u earlyer suld b up around 11ish 2morrow ok?
guest iv just noticed that there is a awful lot of u in invisible mode!!!!!! why? iv just counted 16 guests so how many of u r realy guests?
i kno som1 whos got a set an a mixer 4 £600 if ur interested?
all my friendz make me happy, but 1 in particular does. plz talk 2 me :angel: im realy sorry!! love:monkey:
well the tidyin is now compleatley done every room is now spotless!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: me an clarki hav just dumpted 8bagz ov rubbish...
me finx clarki looked class, bye bye 2 the charva wanabe an 'HELLO' 2 all new singin'n'dancin (well wobblein) 'cyber charv!!!!!!!!!!'
SORRY DUDE BUT THAT IS THE WRONG STREET!!!!!!!!!!!!1 for those ov u that will b gettin a taxi there the full addy is ;- the verne hotel...
Re: Re: Re: Who in Promise both male and female do u think has the best/fittest/whatever body.. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:...
HA HA HA!!! blackpool wos class, an conciderin the state that nova's in it still shifts some when it wants to!!!!!!:o :o
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......................couldnt agree more on this one, i signed up to this board a while ago an was very interested on just about...
Re: Re: Seniorchem Si fancies... ur so rite!!!!!!!! si fancies........................ANYTHIN THAT MOVES!!!!!!!!!!:lol: :lol: J/K;)
if i remember ritley, som1 mentiond somfin bout paing for promise in advance, like a membership card that you pay x-amount for an then u dont hav...
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