Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: life after death He's Hayley's husband
Re: Re: Re: life after death na thats jus the way it is... after life, heaven, hell, ghosts all bollocks am afriad to say am in agreement...
Re: life after death u die, then u get burnt or rot in the ground ...end of story
i can handle the truth tune is awesome mate, spesh with the new intro :worship: u shud get it sent to data and aatw records, theyd snap...
only doin wat we no best :) love u 2 m8
Lol, i saw it hun :) Thanks folks, av had a reet guddin plenty of :beer: and loadsa wkd presents! And of course i got tune made for me...
sheer fuckin class mate! cheers for takin care ov ma baby for me hope ur throat is feelin a lil better CLARKi
dead funny u like... where u get ya cardies from?
id be played by hulk hogan without a doubt
knew u wud u big baghdad bad bumboy :love:
thats me admittin av went a bit OTT
no problem at all cazz, end ov the day i got pissed off cos id bin out wif sum lass i like and have dun 4 a while, had a well decent night then...
am on the board loads me like ....moron
oh but i have, and he's been a grade a goon 4 rinsin is... wen he knows fuck all bout wat goes on i couldnt giv a fuck about who casy goes out...
na, not wen am bein greefed and dont no bout it
go fuck off, and come back wen u have a clue
ur a fuckin cheeky prick ill give u that
why 'for gods sake' jess, he is utter ring piece, ill lick my own scrotum if takin her out yesterday, wasnt asn attempt to sleaze his way in her...
hannahs reet u r talkin outta ya rectum
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