Now ITV there is a shit channel, i hardley watch that at all
Im just copy and pasting, you need to appeal to eveyones tastes and no dening you would watch at least half the programs in the comedy or...
We buy in HP ones for £147 so might as well shop for a new one.. well cheap
And lets not forget Neighbours and eastenders :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: PHILAND GRANT ARE BACK And film 2005 BBC rules man
Or these New Tricks Silent Witness 55 Degrees North Red Cap Judge John Deed Waking the Dead Dalziel & Pascoe Inspector Lynley Rome...
Ab Fab Alan Partridge Blackadder Coupling Dead Ringers Extras Family Guy Little Britain Look Around You Mighty Boosh Nighty Night The...
No i just dont find it a rip off for what you get and no fooking adverts Your paying for about 20 TV channels and many many more Radio station!...
I dont watch it that was a copy and paste for bbc3 website, my point was i bet you watch and listen to plenty BBC stuff and moan you have to pay...
MAtch of the day Footy Focus Question of sport Question Time Picture of britian Blue earth Have i got news for you Spooks Never mind the...
This is JUST BBC3 worth the money alone 3 Non Blondes Ideal Little Britain Man Stroke Woman The Mighty Boosh Monkey Dust...
Not to mention the BBC website which is :king: and News 24 its awesome value for £10 a month ffs thats 33p a day
Are you kidding??? The documentries are second to none, The comedy is class and even tho i dont really like drama they are on the ball for that...
ITs class value wehn you think about all the channels and Radio stations the BBC run :king:
I wish we could double the fee and get rid of adverts off all channels, i dont mind paying it cos the BBC churn out some amazing TV
:lol::lol: another stalker eh, I'm used ot people being obsessed with me and bringning my name into everytread ??? I LOVE IT :D :lol: And...
Free work party at tiger tonight :D Sat varnishing floors :( Sunday sitting infront of the box watching the mags
I ahve tro say im enjoying Rangers poor run of form and loving hearts at the top :D
Spot on i always say something to people who smoke near me in a restaurant, they always put it out
I think smoking should be banned in all public areas, why should someone have to breath in 2nd hand smoke just cos someone else wants to smoke???...
dont worry tho, even i am tiring of some of the shit i come out with so i may turn over a new leaf and simmer down a little :lol:
Separate names with a comma.