they haven't kicked anyone out we have all left
cheers! :)
dont worry about us I said Jase.. as we have a plan sort of!! :lol:
Shindig has left the building .. Shindig has left the building [IMG] Shindig has left the building This week we are hosting a FREE...
:lol: it's a small world mate!!
they aren't new owners, they have owned half of it for nearly 2 years.. but yeah there's a bit of a legal wrangle going on that is still to be...
don't worry about us :cool: heres the link to our online tickets..
haha we should have just called the night this.. instead of tweakin' :lol: [IMG] Spencer Parker new mix.. make sure you get it.. it's Ace!
he played shindig last year.. the night claude von stroke played.. weve had a couple of dates pencilled with his agent since then but he has...
let me guess.. you were using his danny tenaglia wannabe flashlight haha.. :lol:
yeah was great atmos on Thursday and Im quite sure it will be much of the same the neet for Danny and Scott's night.. every year after the...
Shindig Presents.. Tweakin' @ WHQ - Bank Holiday Sunday 25th May [img] Shindig Presents.. Tweakin’ BANK HOLIDAY SUNDAY 25th MAY AT...
smashing line up that hope it does well dan.. :)
haha aye the day before this do always drags!!.. neetmare
whats does teddy chucked mean!!.. is this some sort of kiddy code I've not deciphered yet??
haha.. ok why not join in the fun :lol: SHINDIG – APRIL 2008 ------------------------------------------------------ Sat 5th ERIC...
the sasha glass throwing incident has so many things wrong with it (too many to go into here) that it is suspect if one was actually thrown I...
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