The american army, they keep destroying my regime! It crumble under the power of the coalition!
what kind of a question is that!???
I sense a board full of slappers from what i've read so far! Go back to IKON:lol:
a do mate,believe me,but remember.this is only a mesage board and u shudnt judge people from it........its easy to hide behind a computer screen...
2 + 2 = 4,no sorry 2 and 2 = 22,how about u,can u count to,or do u not have enough fingers and toes? u can borrow the 16 i hav left?
aaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh ze germans r cuming aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhhhh help me,zey wont me to be ze zerious cheast nut...
do u also live on the funny farm?thats cool,ad luv to play with u on a weekend,i hav a cattle prod that wud look great up ur arse when switched...
no,i talk monkey shit:monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: thats why u dont understand me u serious cunt:o :o :o
....serious is boaring,why r people turning to serious?is it because they got a 'dj in a box' kit 4 chrismas? is it because they got a new remix...
why dont we all become Moble Disc Jockeys then ul make money every nite,u get to play all nite,u get payed and every1's'in is...
Amen! Can i go home now? :)
well it might hav been nice of him to stay till the end,perhaps turn up at another naughty event,or even smile,i 4 one attempted to speak to him...
please feel free to pass on my regards when ur next on 'Planet Phil' i myself am stuck on this one and am more than glad to go on the way i...
money money av food in my tummy?????? please c my new entertaining 'Arse Hole Of The Week' thread on the Ramblings here to...
sounds to me that Daimond Phil has a bad case of the old 'pet lip sindrome'......u say my heed is up my arse,take a look at what uv been saying...
Bye Bye Bye the mesage board.... its been great being the center of the upmost entertaining treads 4 a while on this board...u will all...
woppps,missed this bit.sorry but i dont talk much anyways and am far from being'a big heed' or anything similar.... plus its monday,am still...
go suck my manly balls 4 the dj that as low as u can go,as must be good at something otherwise i wud not have been in the...
u sum kind of protesting hippie like? or do u know sweet fuck all like some narrow minded people like ur self......:lol: :lol: :lol:
take a step back a moment... am havin a load of fun at my expense here,if people dont like that then dont reply to my threads....
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